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To Bleach or Not to Bleach? That is the question.

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

Due to the fact that Tik Tok has pretty much taken over our lives, it is no coincidence that everyone is following the same trends and carrying out the same crafts. The problem however is that sometimes people try to make businesses out of these trends because they claim that SOMEHOW theirs is better and different from the millions of other ones you see. But more importantly, they are trying to convince you not only that theirs is way better than yours could ever be and that whatever they’re creating is very difficult to replicate.  However, I’m here to tell you that these things while excellent marketing strategies, both happen to be lies. A recent example of a trend that people tend to capitalize on is the bleaching trend. Bleached sweatshirt, bleached sweatpants, bleached scrunchies, you name it, it’s popular. 

I, an avid user of Tik Tok, realized that this was becoming a trend and thought to myself: “I could make that” and that’s exactly what I did. The difference though was the fact that my tie-dye wasn’t just ordinary tie-dye. No, no, no. I decided to take it one step further and create *designer* bleach tie-dye. Now, you’re probably wondering to yourself: “What in the world is *designer* bleach tie-dye? Well, keep reading.

The Procedure:

1. Figure out what Designer brands appeal to you.

In my case, I decided to choose Louis Vuitton and Chanel because those happen to be my favorite designer brands.

2. Print out black and white super large images of their logos.

The image should be black and white because it saves toner and the bleach won’t completely ruin the image that way. Also, make sure that all the images are large enough to fill pages. 

3. Try to cut out the images as cleanly as possible and get your bleach together. 

This is the step where you need to decide how you want to bleach the clothes. There are two options: either you put the logo on the clothing item and use a spray bottle filled with bleach to spray the clothes or you use a paintbrush dipped in bleach to outline the logo and fill it in for a different look. I happened to use both of the techniques and they both worked great!

4. Start bleaching!

Start by placing the logo(s) on the clothing item and either use the spray bottle filled with bleach and spray directly onto the image(s) and around it or start tracing the image(s) with a paintbrush dipped in the bleach. 

5. Let it dry for about 5-10 minutes and then throw the item into the washing machine.

You don’t want it to dry for too long because otherwise, the bleach will start to eat into the clothing.

6. When finished in the washing machine, throw it into the dryer if applicable.

Enjoy your item! Keep scrolling to see pictures of my finish product and send me pics of Instagram how yours turn out!



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